Monday, February 17, 2020

Climate and Air Pollution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Climate and Air Pollution - Assignment Example The government should introduce tax incentives for companies that adopt the green energy (Dornbusch 62). There should steeper penalties for countries that pollute the environment like oil and gas exploration companies. The Government can open up its market for products produced organically and using green energy. The strategy will encourage companies to shift to green energy to access the market. The strategies will influence the economies differently. Green energy creates jobs encouraging employment of more people (McNamee 108). The trade incentive will encourage more good to be produced to meet the large market demand. Educating the public is crucial. Once people are educated on the importance of green energy, there will be inventions that are beneficial to the economy (Petersons 120). Once green energy is fully adopted effects of global warming will reduce and the money used to tackle disasters channeled

Monday, February 3, 2020

A global perspective on Philadelphia Community Based Organizations Essay

A global perspective on Philadelphia Community Based Organizations - Essay Example des safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills† - Debbie Stabenow. â€Å"Afterschool is the time when young people discover their interests and strengths hat often lead to decisions they will make as adults. This program will truly impact the lives of this young people with profound and positive long- term benefits.† – Gina Warner; Executive Director Partnership for Youth Development. In most of the schools, the ringing of the 3 p.m. normally marks the end of school day activities for many students. This means that they can go home and play and the same time do whatever they please. The students end up engaging in activities that are not productive since they have no one to guide them. The parents who would have guided them are busy the same time either at work or pursuing further studies. In turn, this had led to the children going through a series of poor performance. The pupils also don’t have the time to develop their potential in terms of creativity (Old Pine Community Centre). The Old Pine Community Centre Afterschool Program plays the role of ensuring that the students done waste their time. This is through the provision of the essential services like the supervised and safe environment. It also provides healthy meals and snacks, academic enriching activities and supportive and caring mentors for the students. The children are also taken through exercises which ensure that they are healthy. These activities are provided to the children and family that need most the support. The services are also offered in a cost effective manner compared to the gains that the children get. The program provides the children with the clubs that enable them to interact and share their interests. The services offered are done through qualified personnel such as the counselor or the teachers. This ensures that the services are of quality and addresses the issues